HEAL Activity Kit

A sculpture art exploration of cells and viruses

This kit is designed for 3rd-5th grade youth but is easily adaptable to other grade levels. Some sculpting activities may require adult supervision or support depending on the youth’s age and the found-object materials collected or extra craft items used (e.g., hot glue or sharp objects). Otherwise, this kit supports youth learning by doing as they get curious, create, and play!

Kit activities use a Do, Reflect, and Apply approach. Youth learn through active experience, reflective questions, and by applying their new knowledge to other parts of their lives and the larger world.

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HEAL Activity Kit

  • HEAL Activity Kit Guide
    • Membrane Jungles
    • Sticky Viruses
  • Lab Sketchbook & Tools
  • Sculpture Art Supplies

Designed as a take-home learning kit or to be facilitated in school or within after-school program settings.

Contact Molly Kelton (molly.kelton@wsu.edu) or Alison White (alison.white@wsu.edu) to check the availability of pre-made kits or create your own!

Take a Peek Inside!

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Activity #1: Membrane Jungles, Sculpture Art + Found-Object Art, and Sculpt Your Own!
Activity #2: Sticky Viruses and Sculpt Your Own!
HEAL Website Images
Activity #3: Become a Virologist, Lab Sketchbook art, games, imagination!

Kit activities use a Do, Reflect, and Apply approach. Youth learn through active experience, reflective questions, and by applying their new knowledge to other parts of their lives and the larger world.

HEAL Website Images 1
Do –> Reflect –> Apply

Downloads & Supplies

Activity Guide Supplies

There is complete flexibility in what art materials and found objects youth use to sculpt their own membrane jungle and sticky viruses. The list below are suggestions of materials that worked well for youth who previously completed the kit activities. The Kit Activity Guide references using a foam sheet (available at craft stores, online, and several big box retailers) for the membrane base, but other items, like paper plates, could be substituted for this step.

  • Foam Sheets (approximately 5.5″ x 8.5″ — larger sheets work too)
  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Wikki Stix
  • Pony Beads
  • Pom Poms 
  • Muffin Tins 
  • Yarn
  • Googly Eyes
  • Buttons
  • Paper Clips
  • Velcro Dots
  • Glue Dots
  • Optional Found-Object Items: fabric scraps, bottle caps, popsicle sticks, cardboard, leaves, twigs, clean recycling, clean trash, etc.

Lab Sketchbook Tools

  • Hand lens / Magnifying Glass
  • Pencil
  • Color Pencils