Kids & Families

Did you know?

There are about thirty-seven trillion two hundred billion cells in your body!

If you said “HI” to all 37,200,000,000,000 of your cells one at a time it would take about one million years.

Whew! That’s a lot of cells!

Body cells saying Hi, Hello, Hola, Hey, and Bonjour!
Kid's scientific illustration of a mosquito larvae

Art is important to science and in scientific careers!

Scientists use art to share big ideas, details, and complex subjects.

Illustration, painting, photography, map-making, and more help others learn new scientific topics!

Many careers often blend art and science together:

  • Ecologist
  • Biologist
  • Cartographer
  • Educator & more!

Check out the links below to explore quick videos and art+science activity ideas!

Cover page of the HEAL Activity Kit
Sculpt & Stick!

Membrane Jungles, Sculpture Art, and Sticky Viruses, oh my!

Designed as a take-home learning kit or to be facilitated in school or within after-school program settings.