HEAL Researchers
PI / Co-PIs: Molly L. Kelton, Jeb P. Owen, Alison J. White, Robert W. Danielson, AnaMaria Diaz Martinez, David H. Garcia
Graduate Students: Elizabeth Grace, Kristin Saba Fisher, Kellen Pautzke
Undergraduate Students: Braelyn M. Young, Jude Stacey

Molly L. Kelton (she/her) molly.kelton@wsu.edu
Assistant Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning, WSU College of Education
My passions as a researcher and educator sit at the intersections of the fields of mathematics education, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) education, and the learning sciences. Whether I am designing immersive mathematics exhibitions in urban museums or creating beautifully messy scientific artwork with children in rural community centers, I aim to promote creative, transformative, and equitable forms of interdisciplinary learning across diverse settings.

Jeb P. Owen (he/him) jowen@wsu.edu
Associate Professor, Department of Entomology, WSU College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences
The work in my lab is directed toward understanding why we see variation in infectious disease among individuals in a population. I study disease systems involving arthropod-transmitted pathogens of wildlife, livestock and humans. My research focuses on the role of the vertebrate immune system in shaping the population dynamics of blood feeding arthropods (e.g. mosquitoes and ticks). This work interconnects immunogenetics, parasitology and disease ecology.

Alison J. White (she/her) alison.white@wsu.edu
Associate Professor & 4-H Youth Development Regional Specialist, WSU College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences
My program and research areas include (1) youth empowerment, (2) science education, (3) diversity, equity, and inclusion, and (4) organizational change. As WSU Extension faculty, I prioritize community-based programming tailored to local needs with a primary focus on Yakima and Kittitas counties. I really geek out over creating and facilitating programming that explores art and ecology through lenses of equity aimed at real-world issues to empower youth to learn about themselves and the world around them.

Robert W. Danielson (he/him) robert.danielson@wsu.edu
Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, WSU College of Education, Spokane Campus
My research focuses on students in K-12 through college, as well as members of the public. I examine how learning with texts and graphics may promote epistemic and conceptual change around STEM concepts. I also research the educational, policy, and health-related implications of the public’s understanding of science.

Elizabeth Grace (she/her) elizabeth.grace@wsu.edu
Research Assistant & Doctoral Candidate, Department of Teaching and Learning, WSU College of Education
My research focuses on science learning in informal environments, and specifically how the arts can support this learning. I find great joy and curiosity in working with and learning from youth as they explore science and art together to reveal interesting ways of sense-making and communication around socio-scientific topics.

Kristin Saba Fisher (she/her) kristin.fisher@wsu.edu
Research Assistant & Doctoral Student, Mathematics and Science Education, WSU College of Education
I blend my primatology and ecology field experiences, formal and informal teaching, and artistic work as a member of the HEAL team. I explore how the arts can mediate personally relevant science practices and how these practices catalyze environmental activism and spatial justice.

Kellen Pautzke (she/her) kellen.pautzke@wsu.edu
Research Assistant & Master’s Student Department of Entomology, WSU College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences
I study how ecological and morphological differences can influence mosquito success, survival, and potential disease transmission. I am interested in communicating complex science ideas using non-traditional mediums and working with students of all ages to engage with science.

Braelyn Young (she/her) bmy00001@mix.wvu.edu
Research Assistant & Undergraduate Student, West Virginia University, College of Applied Human Sciences, Elementary Education, WSU RISE Student 2022
I use my experiences from teaching in rural settings and my passions in STEAM education to contribute to the HEAL team. My research interests reside in informal, interdisciplinary learning across science and the arts and how STEAM learning can be more equitable for all. In my free time, you’ll most likely find me trekking through mountains or giving my horses too many treats.

Jude Stacey (they/them) estacey1@student.gsu.edu
Research Assistant & Undergraduate Student Department of Psychology GSU, College of Arts and Sciences, WSU RISE Student 2022
My research interests involve examining historical inequities to better understand the impacts carried by humans and their environments. I value addressing community-level problems by acknowledging the strengths of localized practices.

AnaMaria Diaz Martinez (she/her) a.martinez@wsu.edu
Associate Professor, WSU College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences

David H. Garcia (he/him) garciad@wsu.edu
Assistant Dean for Health Equity and Inclusion, WSU Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine
Past HEAL Researchers
Co-PIs: Patricia Butterfield, Gina Ord
Graduate Students: Michaela Fallon, Georgia Schafer Medina, Gan Jin, Onur Ramazan
Undergraduate Students: